Monday, December 10, 2007


Yesterday, a man walked into our former church and shot two girls to death, injuring their father, and another woman. I am sick. I am confused. I am angry. I am grieved. I am tired. I don't understand. I know in my head that God is in control, but my heart is breaking. I hated explaining what happened to my 7 year old. I hated hearing the tears and anguish of all my friends. It's times like these that I have to ask my God, WHY??? I know He doesn't mind my questions and my anger. I know he sees my unbelief and my doubt. I am only human. I am weak. This world is temporary. But I still find myself asking, WHY? Why doesn't He stop it? Why does He allow things like this to happen? Why do my children have to grow up in a world like this where violence reigns? How can I comfort my friends when I feel such turmoil? Dear Father, we need you. We need peace. We need understanding. We need you to return. WE NEED YOU. Please see my tears today. I am so weak...


Anonymous said...

You put into words exactly what I have been feeling. There is no answer, not one that can make the hurt and anger go away. Love you much and glad you all are safe.Dayna

Anonymous said...

This pain and evilness is so hard but God is still our only refuge. Where else can we turn? I am comforted when I read His explanations to Job after his horrible losses. Chps. 38-41 And in the end, Job finally conceeds, that "My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you." We just can't see all there is to know but I'm certain that our foundation in Him, as things in this world continue to deteriorate before His coming, will hold us steadfast. He's instructed us not to be afraid but to know that His coming is near. Many will need assurances in the days ahead and we surely do have the answer. God is going to bring all things to a climax and it will be HIS PLAN!!!
Hang in there. We love you and are praying for you. Mom

Anonymous said...

Hey sis...
Last week we had an incident at the store where these three guys came in threatening us, and for the first time in my life I was confronted with human beings who would have actually hurt me just so they could gain what little money they could from our store. Regardless of this story, last week I had a terrible time at work, almost tearing up every time I looked at the door, feeling fear everytime a man walked in.
When I heard about what happened at the church, I too was angry. I was terrified to be at a Christian University, and I was mortified by the idea that I can't even feel safe in church anymore.
I didn't handle the men in the store very well - in fact, I froze and didn't move. As I watched added security come onto campus yesterday, I realized that I can't live my life in fear, or else from here on out, I will be frozen.
I hate it, and I grieve for the family that lost their girls. I don't understand it, but right now, I just want to say that I love you and if you need to talk, please call because I am going through a lot of the same feelings!

Anonymous said...

I share your anger and confusion. I'm supposed to help people make sense of this and I'm as lost as anyone. Read my post on J's blog and you'll hear more of my heart. I'm not politically correct but I think its time we hold parents accountable for the actions of their kids! "How dare you say that!!!" Hmmmm...Call me snoopy but I'll be checking my kids' rooms for weapons, negative postings on websites, angry attitudes toward God, violent video games... I love you and I'm grateful you are safe...I guess as Christians, we've kind of signed up for a dangerous life...

God will prevail!


Anonymous said...

I'm also proud of the security guard and take comfort, as my wife reminds me that God will interrupt the free will of man to minimize human suffering...100's could have been killed and so perhaps God was there...Our prayers are with you and the church family at NL.